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5 Keys to a Stressless and Fearless Life

A "Stressless”, "Fearless” life - Eliminating all fear and stress from life ain’t gonna happen, BUT it is definitely possible to reduce the amounts of "stress less", and "fear less". This week, I’m giving you the 5 keys to do just that…

$100 Million in Debt at 62

What would you do if you found yourself over $100 Million in debt at the age of 62? In this episode, I want to share the story of Karl Eller. It's a quick story with a powerful message about mindset, possibilities, and not giving up.

Create for an Audience of One

You create content to build an audience...not the other way around! This week, I'm proposing that you create your content for an audience of one, and my guest, Jody Maberry, is proof that this strategy works.

Content Marketing: How Much Is Too Much?

A lot of people are asking this question when it comes to "Content Marketing": How much is too much? At what point do you saturate your readers, listeners and viewers with so much knowledge that they are no longer interested in buying what you're selling? In this week's episode, I'll give you a solid answer to that question.

From Unknown to Iconic: The Marketing Journey of Revel 77 Coffee

In this economic reality, you must bring your A-Game when it comes to marketing. No more outdated websites...No more ignoring your "Shadow Brand", or reputation on social media. This week, we're talking about how my son and I are marketing the local coffee shop we co-own together, Revel 77.

Connecting to the Pain

I was recently interviewed for the Marketer of the Day Podcast, hosted by Robert Plank. In this episode, we dig into some core marketing principles that I use and teach, and how they relate to the system covered in my new book, Read This Or Die.

How To Grow Your List Without Ads

Is it possible to get quality, targeted names on your email list without buying ads? Absolutely! This week, I'll show you how it's done.

How To Cut Your Ad Budget & Increase Sales

Cutting your ad budget while increasing sales sounds totally counterintuitive, right? Au contraire, my intrepid listener. In this episode we’ll not only show you how to do exactly that, but also why you should start doing it right now.

The Dawn of Justice in Business

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Captain America … these superheroes evoke something deep inside of us to be great! We fantasize about their special powers and we cheer their stand for justice and all that is good.

The Secret Weapon of Market Leaders

When I ran radio stations, we used a secret marketing weapon to tap into public trends. This secret weapon enabled us to “read the minds” of clients and listeners. As a result, we sold millions of dollars worth of advertising to our clients. And they sold hundreds of millions of dollars of goods and services to their customers.

How I Built a 6-Figure Business from a Single Speech

Dr. Michael Hudson is a member of my Elite Regency Mastermind. He is also a teacher, speaker, writer, facilitator, coach, & ideapreneur. He helps people discover their vision, write their story, and speak their vision into existence using his proven VisionSpeaker™ System. Visit to download your free copy of Michael’s ebook filled with practical insights you can use to increase your impact every time you speak. ~ Ray Edwards

The Most Successful Sales Letter You’ve Never Heard Of

On a sunny day one late afternoon two copywriters graduated from the same copywriting school. These two copywriters were roughly the same age, with roughly the same writing ability. They had both been trained by the same copywriting instructors in the art and science of writing to sell and persuade. Both were filled with dreams of becoming rich by writing ads to sell products and services.

How To Attract Perfect Clients (And Repel The Clients Who Drive You Nuts)

If you're a freelancer or service professional, you know the pain of the “problem client”. Once they are “inside your gates”, they cause nothing but trouble.

5 Effective Ways to Get More Email Subscribers

If you operate any kind of business online, or if you are a writer, speaker, consultant, or coach… one of your most important assets is a list of email subscribers who are interested in hearing from you.

21 Blog Post Ideas That Jumpstart Your Traffic

We all want more people to read our blog, whether we admit it or not. There are plenty of tricks for jumpstarting your blog traffic, but when it comes right down to it, interesting content wins the day.

Why I Unfollowed You On Twitter

This is a guest post by my friend Ted Prodromou. Ted is an expert in search marketing for business, and one of the smartest guys I know.


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.


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