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This week's episode comes from a conversation I had with Jody Maberry and the amazing Lee Cockerell on the Creating Disney Magic Podcast
I was recently interviewed for the Marketer of the Day Podcast, hosted by Robert Plank. In this episode, we dig into some core marketing principles that I use and teach, and how they relate to the system covered in my new book, Read This Or Die.
Who better to pick my brain about my new book, and describe the collaboration process than my coauthor, Jeff Goins.
I was recently interviewed on The Cliff Ravenscraft Show about my new book, Read This or Die. Since this book is, by necessity, so deeply personal, this interview was equally personal and somewhat challenging to get through. However, I felt that it encapsulated the message of the book so well, I asked for Cliff's permission to use the audio on my own show. My sincere thanks to Cliff Ravenscraft for making this episode possible.
Bestselling Author
I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.
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