Discover Ray’s TOP Business-Building Secrets and Lessons Learned Along His Journey To Generating Over $200M+ In Sales…
A student recently asked, "Ray, how do I upgrade my clients?" In this week's episode, I'll give you my potentially unpopular answer.
When your brand is your business, how much of your personal life should you share? The answer depends on what type of clients you are looking for.
A friend of mine recently gave me a not-so-subtle reminder that I am blessed to have a schedule full of things that I have chosen to do. She reminded me that I was complaining about things that many people are praying for. That changed things - Same schedule...Different perspective. That's what this week's episode is all about.
The technology may be new, but the warning I issued back in 2006 still applies: You MUST be more than just a copywriter.
My Parkinson's symptoms are not something I can hide. I can't keep them under control just because I don't want anyone to notice. This is something I share with everyone I meet, whether I want to or not. But my diagnosis was the genesis of other symptoms that aren't obvious...Internal struggles that I haven't openly shared. Symptoms not specific to Parkinson's, but to any life problem that steals your hope for the future. This week's episode is about how I overcame those internal struggles - and how you can do the same.
Knowing what to charge is a struggle for most fledgling entrepreneurs - and potentially harder for woman (I know that is a cringy thing to say, but save your judgement until after you hear this conversation I had with an extremely successful copywriter - Dawn Apuan)
How can someone like me repeatedly generate more than a million dollars a year by writing words? This week, I'm sharing exactly how I dod it - including all the extras. Learn the three foundational principles to building ANY business.
Kevin Rogers spent years on the road doing stand-up comedy, now he makes his living as a direct-response copywriter. I had a chat with Kevin about his journey from playing comedy clubs with the likes of Chris Rock and Billy Gardell, to writing launch promotions for high-dollar clients. There are many parallels between comedy and copy; tune in as I explore them with someone who's been successful at both.
I've got 7 questions that every entrepreneur, every content creator, every personal brand, every business that does business on the internet, must be able to answer if you want to succeed.
"If I only knew then what I know now." Who hasn't had that thought? Since time travel is not yet an option, this week we'll examine something more practical: What would your future self be asking you now? I have 5 questions that can help you become the future self you want to be.
Click Here To Listen or Watch]] this week's podcast. Learn how to overcome "The Resistance" - The things that are slowing your productivity, raising your anxiety, and ruining your carefully crafted work plan. Three simple, life-changing steps. Watch or listen below.
Is it possible to intentionally become the person you wish to be? The best version of yourself you can imagine? It's not only possible, it's how it's done...with intention and commitment. This week, we'll talk about what it takes to become "the possible you".
Bestselling Author
I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.
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