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5 Keys to a Stressless and Fearless Life

A "Stressless”, "Fearless” life - Eliminating all fear and stress from life ain’t gonna happen, BUT it is definitely possible to reduce the amounts of "stress less", and "fear less". This week, I’m giving you the 5 keys to do just that…

Would AI Have a "Black Friday Sale"?

I've been playing with Google's NotebookLM, one of the many, newly-released AI tools, to see how useful it could be. This week, I've asked it to provide commentary on a previous podcast I released about "Black Friday Sales". The result was pretty impressive.

Now Is The Time To Start A Business

On this week's episode, I want to point out a few key reasons as to why I'm grateful to own an online business. More importantly, I want you to know why YOU should start an online business if you haven't already (especially if you're over 50)

The Key Skill

Even with the often overwhelming amount of skills required to run a successful business, I still maintain that Writing is the key...but, why? That's what I'm explaining in this week's episode.

$100 Million in Debt at 62

What would you do if you found yourself over $100 Million in debt at the age of 62? In this episode, I want to share the story of Karl Eller. It's a quick story with a powerful message about mindset, possibilities, and not giving up.

Your Annual Income in One Day? - with Anita Anello

I've known this week's guest for many years...Long enough to have seen her go from financial struggle, to now having a day's revenue that surpasses what used to be her annual income. How did she do it? One of the big "secrets" involves a struggle that I see in nearly every class I teach, or mastermind I participate in: Facing the fear of "high-ticket offers".

5 Keys To Your Business Miracle

Some businesses seem to be continually struggling, while others prosper with ease. Why is that? This week, I'm giving you 5 Keys to get you off of the "struggle bus", and into the fast lane.

She Went From Teacher to Copywriter

This week, Camille Pardo shares the story of leaving her practical, sustainable teaching profession, and becoming a successful, work-from-anywhere, full-time copywriter.

How to Have More Money, Margin, and Meaning in Your Life

Who are you, and why are you here? That’s the question my podcast guest Graham Cochrane is helping us answer today. During this conversation, Graham walks us through his simple five-part framework, and you will discover how to create the life you’ve always wanted.

He Makes $1500 Per Hour - Using AI

Many technological advances come with a healthy dose of fear, and that has definitely been the case with AI - especially with writers and artists. "Why would someone pay me when they can just ask an AI to generate something for them at virtually no cost?" This week, I have an answer. Meet an "A.I. Artist" who is pulling down $1,500 an hour and he's completely upfront about who (or what) is doing the heavy lifting.

7 Moves To Make Now

Economic "Tough Times" are here...but not fully. What can you do to protect yourself and your business? I've got some wisdom to share from someone who's been through tough times...Me. This week, I'll give you the 7 moves you should make right now to not just survive, but thrive in this economy.

Writing As Sacred Work

I want to talk to you about the incredible power of writing. The power of storytelling. And how it can help you connect with your divine purpose. Yes, even if the writing you do is marketing or sales copy. That’s the subject of this week’s podcast episode.

14 Days Unplugged

I just returned from a 2-week vacation with my wife. I had made a commitment to not make this a "working vacation". For two weeks, I disconnected from the internet. No emails, no slacks, no social media...Not even any business related books were allowed on this journey. On this week's episode, I want to share 5 of my observations about being "unplugged" for 14 days.

Writer's Rewind: 5 Common Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Sales Conversions

What do you do when your copy isn't converting the way you think it should? Trust me, the best copywriters in the world have the occasional dud...You put it out there, and it just falls flat. There are 5 common reasons this happens, and on this week's episode, I'll explain them all.

The Most Important Skill For Any Business

In part 2 of our "Writer's Rewind" series, we'll take a look at 5 reasons why copywriting is the most important skill for ANY business.

Why Your Copy Fails - P.A.S.T.O.R. Review

If your copywriting is not selling enough, maybe it's because you have failed to P.A.S.T.O.R. And I'm not talking about preaching… but I will get to that. This week’s podcast is a refresher on the core basics of writing persuasive copy (and everything is copy — it’s not ONLY sales pages and emails)


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.


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