Discover Ray’s TOP Business-Building Secrets and Lessons Learned Along His Journey To Generating Over $200M+ In Sales…
Some businesses seem to be continually struggling, while others prosper with ease. Why is that? This week, I'm giving you 5 Keys to get you off of the "struggle bus", and into the fast lane.
I just returned from a 2-week vacation with my wife. I had made a commitment to not make this a "working vacation". For two weeks, I disconnected from the internet. No emails, no slacks, no social media...Not even any business related books were allowed on this journey. On this week's episode, I want to share 5 of my observations about being "unplugged" for 14 days.
Here are 5 easy steps that will lead you to a better new year.
People change when the pain of not changing feels more real than the difficulty of making the change. This is why 97% of people fail with New Year's Resolutions. The pain of not eating the pie seems more real than the pain of future health problems.
Are you looking for ways to stay ahead of the game as a copywriter? Look no further than the AI-powered strategies of a million-dollar copywriter.
How can someone like me repeatedly generate more than a million dollars a year by writing words? This week, I'm sharing exactly how I dod it - including all the extras. Learn the three foundational principles to building ANY business.
I've got 7 questions that every entrepreneur, every content creator, every personal brand, every business that does business on the internet, must be able to answer if you want to succeed.
"If I only knew then what I know now." Who hasn't had that thought? Since time travel is not yet an option, this week we'll examine something more practical: What would your future self be asking you now? I have 5 questions that can help you become the future self you want to be.
Click Here To Listen or Watch]] this week's podcast. Learn how to overcome "The Resistance" - The things that are slowing your productivity, raising your anxiety, and ruining your carefully crafted work plan. Three simple, life-changing steps. Watch or listen below.
Instead of "Dabbling in Discipline", we must Move in Mastery.
OpenAI's ChatGPT software is able to produce some amazing copy, and that has a lot of copywriters concerned for their future in this industry. I believe that in this particular window of time, you have the ability to use ChatGPT to raise your productivity to inhuman levels and add easily add an additional $10,000 a month to your books. In this week's episode, I'll show you how.
It was such a pleasure to welcome my son, Sean, back to the show. When the pandemic hit, it quickly became apparent that Sean would need to devote more time to our bricks and mortar coffee shop that we purchased together in 2017. In this week’s episode, I want Sean to explain what it was
For those who have wondered, this post will explain what I work on and how I function as a “million-dollar writer.” It is my hope this will stimulate you into taking the required steps to earn significantly more income than you do now. After I spell out how I manage to create a million dollars in revenue, I'll give you a simple 3-step roadmap to increase your own income.
Whether you’re looking to start a business or grow your existing business, chances are you don’t feel ready to execute your plan.
If you've read some of my past blog posts, you probably know that I am a dog enthusiast. Over the years, my wife Lynn and I have enjoyed several canine companions. Scooter was one of our favorite dogs. But I remember him most for a rather unusual reason.
Bestselling Author
I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.
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Ray Edwards International, Inc @2024 - 2910 E 57th Avenue, Suite 5 #330, Spokane, WA 99223
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