Discover Ray’s TOP Business-Building Secrets and Lessons Learned Along His Journey To Generating Over $200M+ In Sales…
Many technological advances come with a healthy dose of fear, and that has definitely been the case with AI - especially with writers and artists. "Why would someone pay me when they can just ask an AI to generate something for them at virtually no cost?" This week, I have an answer. Meet an "A.I. Artist" who is pulling down $1,500 an hour and he's completely upfront about who (or what) is doing the heavy lifting.
This week, I'm encouraging you to start your 1-Person business. AI has made it possible for 1 person to function as though they had a team of 10 people or more. Add this to the power of "The Great Leveler", and there are no more excuses.
Are you looking for ways to stay ahead of the game as a copywriter? Look no further than the AI-powered strategies of a million-dollar copywriter.
Bestselling Author
I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.
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Ray Edwards International, Inc @2024 - 2910 E 57th Avenue, Suite 5 #330, Spokane, WA 99223
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