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#152: 10 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Don’t Do [Podcast]

Study entrepreneurs, and you'll find some great behaviors to emulate. Just as useful: study the things they don't do!

#151: Donald Miller Gets Scary Close [Podcast]

Donald Miller is one of the most influential Christian writers of our day. His books evoke strong reactions, and for many they strike a chord like no work before.

#150: How To Create An Iconic Personal Brand [Podcast]

Now that you are marketing your products and services online, you have instant global reach. But there's one problem: your marketing now stands shoulder to shoulder with Coke, Ford, the NFL, Oprah, and every other major brand that's online. How do you compete?

#149: A Conversation With Michael Stelzner, Founder of Social Media Examiner [Podcast]

How do you start a company with just an idea, a few volunteers, and no budget… and in less than 5 years have a web media property with 15 million readers? That's what Michael Stelzner did with Social Media Examiner, and in today's episode we'll share a conversation with Michael about how he did it. And how you could, too!

Who Told You?

You can't have a successful business and a balanced life. You have to choose. You're not pretty enough. Life is not Disneyland. You can't have fun all the time.

#148: 10 Fresh New Podcasts You Should Check Out [Podcast]

I listen to lots of podcasts. And while I have a few core podcasts I don't ever miss, I am constantly trying new shows out, looking for fresh voices I can put into my listening rotation.

Are You An Entrepreneur Or An Investor?

Recently, I’ve had a peek “behind-the-scenes” of a number of very large businesses, and very successful entrepreneurs… and investors.

#147: 10 Life-Changing Habits To Adopt Now [Podcast]

A young woman has quit smoking, been promoted at work, and run a marathon. An untested CEO takes over one of America's biggest companies and focuses on just one behavior pattern in the company, and very soon Alcoa is at the top of the Dow Jones. A marketer at Procter & Gamble notices a seemingly insignificant pattern while studying videos of how people make their beds. As a result, the company makes a small shift in advertising and Febreze goes from being one of the company's biggest flops to earning a billion dollars a year. What do all three cases have in common?

How To Attract Perfect Clients (And Repel The Clients Who Drive You Nuts)

If you're a freelancer or service professional, you know the pain of the “problem client”. Once they are “inside your gates”, they cause nothing but trouble.

#146: 7 Trends To Watch For In 2015 [Podcast]

As we begin a new year, it's popular for many bloggers and podcasters to make “predictions” about the new year. I prefer not making predictions (unless I feel inspired to do so), but I will point out 7 crucial trends to watch for in 2015.

How To Get Your Missing Podcast Episodes Back

I've heard from a few folks that there might have been a hiccup in my podcast feed. One person asked me, “Why have you stopped making new episodes?” This makes me sad.

#145: How To Overcome Depression [Podcast]

Have you ever suffered from depression or anxiety? Depression is a major problem in the world today. By the year 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that depression will be the number two cause of “lost years of healthy life” worldwide.

Bankrupt Without Love

It has been said that as Christians, we live under Grace and not under the Law. This is true, and I rejoice in it.

#144: 5 Powerful Ways To See The Road Ahead [Podcast]

We often treat the future as if it's a mystery. As if we don't have a say in it, or any control if it. And while there is some truth in that, there is a deeper truth also.

#143: Ask Me Anything [Podcast]

This is a special episode where I'm taking the time to answer a ton of questions from listeners and readers. I really enjoy these kinds of shows, and this one is no exception.

3 Keys To Making This Your Best Year Ever

You want the coming new year to be your best year ever. What are the most important factors to ensure that's what happens?


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.


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