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Bookology: Book. Brand. Business. With Dr. Fred Jones

This week we have a very special guest on the podcast: the Bookologist, Dr. Fred Jones. Dr. Jones is a fascinating man who I greatly admire. He’s an author, a lawyer, a professor, and a coach. He helps entrepreneurs write their books, build their brands, and construct profitable businesses based on the core elements of their book.

Your Dream Stage, with Pete Vargas

How can you get your message out to the right people with no website, no list, and maybe even no clue how to get started?

Manifestation for Copywriters, Marketers, and Entrepreneurs

This week Tiffany and I go deep into a topic I’ve become deeply attached to, even though I used to think it was a total crock. And joining us about halfway through the show is author and speaker Anthony O’Neal. Anthony is the author of a remarkable book called Debt-Free Degree: The Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Kid Through College Without Student Loans.

How Mindset Creates Wealth, with Cliff Ravenscraft

Is it possible to mentally or spiritually attract wealth? I never used to think so. But lately, I’ve begun to think maybe it is, because we’ve experienced many instances in our business that just flowed to us inexplicably.

How to Create a Podcast, with Pat Flynn

This week on the podcast we welcome my good friend Pat Flynn, the owner and operator of, the Smart Podcast Player, and the amazing Switch Pod, which is revolutionizing the world of videography and photography. He’s also the bestselling author of Will It Fly and Superfans.

A Bunch of Stuff That Happened

In another “on the road” recording, Tiffany and I have a conversation about how I’ve come to the place I’ve arrived at in my life right now. It feels appropriate as today, September 23rd, 2019, is actually my birthday. Birthday number 54. It’s a good time to reflect.

Miracle Factor Masterclass

This week, Tiffany is out of town on vacation with her family. So I’ve invited Dr. Douglas Pew onto the show to discuss our upcoming “Miracle Factor Masterclass.”

Make a Different Noise

What does it take to cut through all the noise in online business today and really get noticed, followed, and trusted? It’s easier than you might think, but it takes courage. But before we get deep into it, let’s talk about the NEW segment we’re starting on the show. It’s called, “The Miracle Moment.” In this very first “Miracle Moment” you’ll learn…

The Experiment

This week's episode is a candid conversation with me and my leadership team about the event we just attended, Stu McLaren's Tribe Live 2019.

The Miracle Equation with Hal Elrod

I believe in real-life, tangible, supernatural miracles. And I’ve seen so many of them just in the past few weeks as I’ve handed my business back to God. Tiffany and I discuss what brought this on and where God is leading the company. The best part is, the miracles we’ve seen so far are only the beginning.

The Miracle Factor

I believe in real-life, tangible, supernatural miracles. And I’ve seen so many of them just in the past few weeks as I’ve handed my business back to God. Tiffany and I discuss what brought this on and where God is leading the company. The best part is, the miracles we’ve seen so far are only the beginning.

Post Event Breakdown

My executive assistant Tiffany Laughter-Twining and I have a debrief one week after coming home from our big live event, The Copywriting Academy Live. An event like no other we’ve ever done and may never do again.

Saying Goodbye

It’s time for me to say goodbye! And though some of you are thinking… “At last, he’s finally going to shut up!” You’re wrong. I’m not saying goodbye to the podcast, the website, or the YouTube channel. In fact, what I’m saying goodbye to is MUCH more important than all of those combined, and I’m going to shout it from the rooftops!

Declare Delusional Dreams and Define Your Destiny

This week's episode starts a series of shows in which I'm really going to drill down and try to give you tools you can use to change your life, to change your business, to change your family, to change your relationships, to change your world.

10 Uncomfortable Truths About Me

I started thinking… “What are the 10 things that, if made public, I’d be uncomfortable with?” So I decided to take these 10 things “head-on,” get them out in the open, and own them. And guess who’s back on the show this week? It’s Tiffany and Sean!

The Right Way to Do Masterminds: A Conversation With Dan Miller

You know him from his bestselling book 48 Days to the Work You Love.


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.


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