Discover Ray’s TOP Business-Building Secrets and Lessons Learned Along His Journey To Generating Over $200M+ In Sales…
Knowing what to charge is a struggle for most fledgling entrepreneurs - and potentially harder for woman (I know that is a cringy thing to say, but save your judgement until after you hear this conversation I had with an extremely successful copywriter - Dawn Apuan)
I won't spend a lot of time breaking down the irony of how some of the modern generation, characterized as tolerant and accepting, can paint an entire group of people with the same broad brush (a crime which they often accuse Boomers of), but rather focus on the facts and figures…Boomers, and Gen-X'ers are raking in millions by marketing their knowledge online.
don't think it takes an expert to know that millions of people exhausting their savings, borrowing against their home equity, and exiting the marketplace is going to cause hardship in the not-so-distant future. BUT – there IS a bright side – One of the brightest I've ever seen! I'll share it with you in this week's episode.
You are a writer…Even if you don't think you are. I'll teach ways to improve your persuasive writing by organizing bits of knowledge into blocks of information you can use to create original, compelling content.
“Should I start my business now, or wait until things are a little better?” Here's the short answer – Do it now! In this week's episode, I'll back that answer up with 5 great reasons to get started A.S.A.P. – Whether you're talking about launching a business, publishing a book, starting a podcast…whatever it is, NOW is the time.
This week, I'm introducing you to someone who is helping to change lives – in particular, the lives of Christian entrepreneurs around the globe. David Lee Martin is not only a student of mine, but he has become a great friend and respected colleague.
Bestselling Author
I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.
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