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One Persuasive Framework to Rule Them All

The majority of people who you’ll meet won’t just buy something from you blindly unless they have a reason. You know your product and why people need it, now all you need to do is convince them about why they should buy it from YOU.

Rapid Recovery for Your Business

Nobody knows when quarantine and shelter-in-place order will end. Maybe they’ll end next month, but maybe they won’t. So, now is the time to prepare for a rapid recovery, so that you’ll still have your business when this is all over.

Trade Your Expectations For Appreciation

A common misconception about the current situation that we’re ALL living in is that everything is canceled. No birthdays, no concerts, no whatever it is that you were looking forward to. It’s just not true! It may not happen in the way you expected it too, but it can still happen.

Building Your Tribe

Today on The Ray Edwards Show, I am so blessed to have my long-time friend Stu McLaren on to talk about the positives in entrepreneurship right now, and how you can build your tribe from your home right now.

3 Keys to Your Prosperity

If you fill your head and your body with nonsense and junk then you will most likely not experience your ideal amount of prosperity you want in your life. That’s why I’ll be talking about how to live a more prosperous life today on the Daily Ray and I’ll give you 3 keys to a life of prosperity.

3 Ways to Make Money Without a Job

I know it’s hard to lose your job and it’s not any better with the current situation either. The good news is even if you do find a job right now, you can still use the 3 tricks I’m going to share with you at any point in your life, but you may find it especially useful right now.

Start Your Business and Get Clients Now

The people who run online businesses are the people who are still making income right now. Yes, it may be impacted by the current situation, but they aren’t jobless, and you don’t have to be either.

3 Ways to Control Your Mood

Do you want to stop being depressed and anxious starting today?

5 Better Ways to Spend Your Time During Lockdown

Today on the Daily Ray I’m going to share 5 things you can do during these unfortunate times to make the best of your new schedule and to make your business less stressful and more productive.

Life on Lockdown

Today on The Ray Edwards Show Tiffany and I are talking about how we’re dealing with life on lockdown with and without children living in our houses. We are also talking about the huge possibilities for people like you who might be facing financial hardships due to the loss of a job or the closing of your business. There are so many things you can do right now while staying safe in your home.

Why it’s Crucial to Consider the Context

Communication is key!

Matching the Mind of the Market

The Daily Ray today is about how we as entrepreneurs need to keep marketing even during these different times. We CAN’T stop just because the message changes, we need to market more now than ever before.

The 3 Key Factors to Being the Solution ?

This is OUR time!

3 Ways To Spend Your Time(out)

As entrepreneurs, we always strive to use our time wisely…

Time To Step Up

Today on the Daily Ray I want to share why it’s so important for us entrepreneurs to NOT back down, why we need to keep selling and producing quality content. If people needed your products before, they need them now more than ever.

The Anniversary Show

As you can see, today is my anniversary, but not for The Ray Edwards Show. It’s my 35th anniversary with my beautiful wife Lynn. So for this special episode, I will be sharing with you Joe Pomeroy’s interview of me for his new podcast, Forward with Joe.


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.


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