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How To Get Your Missing Podcast Episodes Back

I've heard from a few folks that there might have been a hiccup in my podcast feed. One person asked me, “Why have you stopped making new episodes?” This makes me sad.

Pick Ray’s Brain

I am no longer accepting one-one-one clients for copywriting or coaching work. The reason why is because my own business is growing so rapidly I have no time to work on someone else's.

My Recommended Reading List

I place a high value on reading. Leaders tend to be readers. Mark Twain said, “A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.” Below is my recommended reading list. These are some of the books I read and recommend.

How To Ship Multi-Disk Products Using Kunaki

For a long time, I have been recommending a service called Kunaki to my students and colleagues.

Book Review: Brendon Burchard’s “The Charge”

I admit, I was a bit skeptical of Brendon Burchard's new book, The Charge. I thought I would skim it and glean a few nuggets and be done with it.

Ray Edwards Approved Online Business Tools & Services

In the course of running an online business, there are many tools and applications to choose from.

Book Review: How To Wow

The book for this review is entitled How to Wow, Proven Strategies for Presenting Your Ideas, Persuading Your Audience, and Perfecting Your Image. It's written by Francis Cole Jones.

Book Review: Value Based Fees

Value-Based Fees, subtitled “How to Charge – And Get – What You're Worth, A Guide for Serious Consultants” is a veritable treasure map that leads to other treasure maps.

It Ain’t Easy Being Green…

…but it can be profitable.

Interview With Carrie Wilkerson, the Barefoot Executive

It's a brand-new podcast, in which I interview my friend Carrie Wilkerson about her new book, The Barefoot Executive.

Ray Edwards Weekly Wrap

In which I point you to the articles you may have missed this week…

Ray Edwards Weekly Wrap

Articles published here this week.

Ray Edwards Freebie Friday

Cool free stuff you can use. This week: tutorials and such.

Ray Edwards Tuesday Tips

Every Tuesday I'm supplying interesting and useful links (“tips”) to other sites, articles and resources.

Ray’s Freebie Friday

Cool free stuff you can use.

Ray’s Tuesday Tips

I'm trying something new – every Tuesday supplying interesting and useful links (“tips”) to other sites, articles and resources.


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.


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