Recent Posts From Ray Edwards/Podcast/Creating Podcast Magic With Jody Maberry

Creating Podcast Magic With Jody Maberry


Monday, December 12, 2022


Ray Edwards

This week we welcome one of my favorite people in the world onto the podcast, Jody Maberry. Jody is an entrepreneur and podcast magic man. He is the host of no less than 8 podcasts, including a show with the retired executive vice president of Walt Disney World, Lee Cockerell.

Jody is going to share how he went from financial analyst, to park ranger, to podcast mogul, and he shares some practical tips for how you can get started making podcast magic in your business.



But first, tune into “Spiritual Foundations” to discover…

([2:20]) Why your view of yourself does more than anything else to determine your physical health. This is true even if you suffer from a chronic disease like Parkinson’s.
([3:05]) By viewing yourself as this type of person who’s already received a specific kind of help, you begin to truly “be of good cheer.” Don’t just take my word for it. This passage from the book of Proverbs makes it clear.

And now, in our feature presentation with Jody Maberry, you’ll learn…

([5:22]) Why Jody left a cushy job as a financial analyst to become a park ranger and how it helped him become a master storyteller. It’s a simple 3-step process every park ranger learns to use and that you can use to help your customers take action.
([10:50]) The 6-and-a-half hour drive and its consequences that convinced Jody to quit being a park ranger. Even though it was what he calls “the best job in the world,” after 8 years, this made him decide it was time to do something else.
([14:22]) The important life-lessons Jody’s learned by hosting a podcast with a former executive vice president of Walt Disney World. Even if you reach the very top of the professional ladder, this lesson in “legacy” outweighs any accolades or recognitions you could ever receive.
([18:15]) Why the future of podcasting is so bright, even though it seems like a crowded medium. Jody and I perform a quick market test on Tiffany to prove what matters most when it comes to standing out in a noisy world with your podcast.
([21:45]) The wrong way to approach podcasting. This is probably the #1 reason (or at least a close 2nd) why people don’t start a podcast, but it’s incredibly easy to fix, even though it may seem like the wrong way to go about it.
([23:10]) What types of businesses can benefit from having a podcast. It’s not just info-marketers and education-based businesses. Even these types of local, service-based businesses can have massive success if they’d start a podcast.
([27:02]) How Jody fits his entire podcasting studio into a small bag he can carry around anywhere. And this might be the MOST important lesson of all… Jody explains what matters more than anything else in podcasting. And it’s not the audio quality.
([29:15]) The easiest way to not only come up with something to talk about on your podcast every week, but how to turn these topics into podcasting magic! Whether you’re a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, or anything else, you have the secret sauce within you already to produce never-ending content.


Links mentioned on today’s show:
• Start creating your own podcast magic by enrolling in Jody’s excellent course by visiting

I’d love to hear from you. Tell me your biggest takeaway from today’s show on Twitter @rayedwards, on Instagram @rayedwards, and on Facebook too.

Today’s show was produced by Kris Edwards with show notes and worksheets by Doug Pew and Juan Lopez.

Until we meet again may you prosper in all things: health, wealth, and wisdom. Now go live your most prosperous life.

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Ray Edwards

Ray Edwards is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Tony Robbins. Ray is a sought-after speaker and author, hosts a popular weekly podcast, and blogs at


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.



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