Recent Posts From Ray Edwards/Podcast/#062: How to Turn Your Business Around [Podcast]

#062: How to Turn Your Business Around [Podcast]


Monday, December 12, 2022


Ray Edwards

What do you do if business is not so good? Do you blow a pile of money on standard media advertising, like radio and newspaper, and hope for the best? Do you drain your retirement account savings to keep the business afloat? Do you close down the shop, and stick a sign in the window that says, “the economy did it”?

Or do you use a proven, reliable formula to turn your business around? Seems to me that last idea is the best. And that's what this week's episode is all about. How to turn your business around, in any economy.

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This helps new people discover the podcast. On this week's podcast episode:

•The power of storytelling to grow your business.
•Why your level of faith doesn't matter.
•Plus, our feature presentation… How to Turn Your Business Around


Tip Of the Week

You can change the quality of your life by changing the quality of your stories. Decide how you want your life to be, and tell that story. Even before it's a fact.

Spiritual Foundations

All things are possible for one who believes. Mark [9:23]

Most modern Christians have been taught this verse means if we have more faith, that all things are possible. In other words, if we can believe, God will intervene on our behalf. He will bring our miracle. If we can't believe, then were out of luck and God is not going to help us.

I don't think that's what this verse means at all. Let's look at it in context, and let's also look at how the original language (Greek) is structured.

First, what's the context of this verse? A boy is brought to Jesus who is possessed by a demon. The boys father says to Jesus, “if you can do anything, have compassion on us.” Jesus points out that the family, and even his own disciples, have very little or no faith. He calls them “faithless”. Then he goes on to say, ” If you can! all things are possible for one who believes.” So just from the context of the story, it seems that Jesus is talking about himself when he says all things are possible for the one who believes. He's the only one present who has any faith.

Pastor Joseph Prince points out that if you study the Greek structure of the verse, it’s actually saying, “Can you believe that all things are possible to him who is always believing?” it's not about how much faith you have.

It's not about what you believe, it's about who you believe. Believe Jesus, whose faith is always constant. If you can believe that all things are possible for Jesus… That he makes all things possible for you.

Have faith in the one whose faith is perfect on your behalf.

Feature Segment: How to Turn Your Business Around

Business success, in any economy, consists of about 20% technical skills, and 80% psychology. What you believe about your business, your ability to generate profit, and what is possible determines whether or not you will be successful. You can't ignore reality, but you can intentionally influence it.

Four Required Steps to Turning Your Business Around

1. Decide it's possible
2. See the situation as it is
3. See the situation better than it is
4. Do what is required to make it the way you see it

Nine Business Saving Tactics

1. Contact previous customers
2. Improve the physical environment
3. Improve the sales conversation
4. Generate referrals
5. Generate fresh leads
6. Follow-up relentlessly
7. Measure everything
8. Control expenses
9. Increase marketing

Want To Be On Next Week's Show?

My topic for next week's show is “How to Have a Spiritual Business”. If you have a question on that topic, you can ask by visiting my voicemail page (just click here to leave a message). This is a great way to promote your own website. First, make sure you have a great question, and then start off by saying your name and your website. If your question is used on the show, will even include a link back to your site in the show notes.

Your Feedback

Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please send me an email.

And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast.

You can also find the podcast on Stitcher.


Ray Edwards

Ray Edwards is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Tony Robbins. Ray is a sought-after speaker and author, hosts a popular weekly podcast, and blogs at


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.



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