Are you comfortable with boring copy or blah stories?
(Of course, you’re not. That’s only for 9th-grade chemistry teachers to torture students into a post-lunch coma. Plus, that kind of copy is losing you money, instead of earning for you while you sleep.)
I write direct response sales copy. And as a Ray Edwards Certified Direct Response Copywriter, I've learned from one of the best in the industry.
And there’s something worse than boring copy.
Yes, worse…average copy.
You know why? You can spot boring copy.
But can you spot average copy?
Average copy is a sleeper, like generic cola. It just meets the bare minimum to satisfy your needs. Think of all those emails you just delete every day. Can you recall even one line from today’s delete-able batch? Average.
Forget average copy! (Hahah! And that’s exactly what happens when people see it—they forget it.)
Now, imagine copy and stories that leap through the screen, grab your audience by the heart, and shake and rattle their mind, making them putty in your hands as they become converted fans that buy everything you offer.
When was the last time your audience was excited to read your email, enroll in your new course, or watch every video sales letter you made?
Regardless of how things were, NOW is the time to act and get the best copy possible!
I can help you with copy for any of the following:
• Sales Strategy — from ad to cart
• Video Sales Letters (even Harmon Brothers style – Squatty Potty)
• Video/Radio Scripts
• Sales Pages
• Sales Funnels
• Email Campaigns — chocked full of story
• Amy Porter Style Launches
• High Impact Sprint Ad Testing
• A Joke or Two (I’ve spent over 2 years as a top joke writer on Upwork.)
I’ve helped a long list of international clients, like HP Solutions to Viddyoze and Ascendis Pharma, with my singular MISSION: to write compelling copy that changes lives!
Then, see that?
That little link…the contact me one.
Click it!!!
And let’s get started today building your copy that converts and changes your life!
Ray Edwards International, Inc @2024 - 2910 E 57th Avenue, Suite 5 #330, Spokane, WA 99223
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