Recent Posts From Ray Edwards/Writing/The 7-Point Template For Better Blog Posts

The 7-Point Template For Better Blog Posts


Monday, December 12, 2022


Ray Edwards

I am often asked whether there is a template for writing compelling blog posts. The fact is, I use several such templates myself, and today I will share one.

Follow this template, and you too will be writing more compelling blog posts in the time at all.

The 7-Point Template For Better Blog Posts

  • Headline. Those of us who write marketing copy know that the most important piece of copy is the headline. The headline's job is to get the reader to keep reading. Your headlines must be compelling and magnetic. You can read more about how to write good headlines here.
  • Attention-Getting Story. Nothing teaches like a good story. There’s a reason Jesus did most of his teaching through parables (stories). Starting your blog post with an interesting story “hooks” people into reading the rest of the post. The story doesn’t have to be long. In fact 2 to 3 sentences is usually enough.
  • Question. The most popular posts tend to be those that point out a problem with some existing system, and suggest that there is a better way to solve that problem. For example: “How can you get more people to read your blog posts when the web is so crowded and cluttered with junk? Is the solution really to write more and more content? Or is the solution to write a specific kind of content?”
  • Proposal. Suggest a solution to the reader’s problem. Be clear about your proposal: “It is possible to write more compelling blog posts by simply following a proven template.”
  • Proof. Give your readers a clear rationale that supports your proposal. Show them examples of your solution in action. Share your principles, keys, rules, etc.
  • ​Conclusion. Summarize how your advice solves the reader’s problem. “If you follow my seven-point template for writing more compelling blog posts, you’ll find more people reading, sharing, and commenting on those same posts.”
  • Call To Action. When possible, I like to challenge my readers to take action on what they’ve read and share their results. Sometimes, I may simply ask them if they have a similar experience or solution to a problem. Whatever the case, it’s always best to end your blog post by making a request of your reader. This engages them in the material.

As you might’ve guessed…if you follow my seven-point template for writing more compelling blog posts, you’ll find more people reading, sharing, and commenting on those same posts.

Today’s challenge: put this blog post template to work, write a post using these seven points, and let me know your results. You can post your response below.


Ray Edwards

Ray Edwards is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Tony Robbins. Ray is a sought-after speaker and author, hosts a popular weekly podcast, and blogs at


Hi, I'm Ray Edwards

Bestselling Author

I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.



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