Chris will give you more results with his research than any other copywriter. The Shocking Bonus from hiring him will increase your income while saving you time. The value you receive from the Recurring Revenue Research Resources will help you grow your business even if you hire someone else to use them years after you hire Chris.
His mission is to impact the world and leave his clients better financially after they hire him. After hours of research, Chris noticed that other copywriters did not operate like him.
He found 3 key things that made it hard for business owners like you to hire a great copywriter/marketer.
One thing he noticed was the fancy descriptions of the copywriter meshing the hobbies or past experiences was very self-serving. It's fancy, but does it help YOU, the business owner?
No, for most markets, but in some cases, Chris did discover yes, it does help you.
Just imagine your niche is Basket weaving. Then hiring Bobby, the Basket Weaving Copywriter who weaves words on your sales page that binds you and your customer with sales, is a no-brainer.
Even worse is the use of tactical terms like launches, strategist, VSL, PLF, DDS, or the latest funnel software toy. You're a smart business owner. Just like you and the other of Chris's clients, you know that tactics are great, but principles and fundamentals are best.
It benefits you the most right now to show the principles and fundamentals than tell you the tactics. Said another way, Chris would rather give you the steak upfront than the sizzle. Why?
Because anyone can do or learn a tactic, but showing the fundamentals is worth gold to you in considering hiring a copywriter/marketer.
Here are the most heinous of acts of not serving you. Just imagine a copywriter not being upfront on their process to hire them. They would instead leave you confused about what's next and then take the time to serve you upfront.
Just horrible…
After realizing the frustration, you, the business owner, may have to try to choose to hire a copywriter. The pain and headache of making a bad hire because a headstrong copywriter is stating they’re the expert in making changes in your business. Thinking of all the time lost and money spent on the person with a fancy description or tactic name-dropper.
Chris decided to do business differently and serve you before if when you click the button below to contact him.
Focusing on serving you, the business owner, at every contact you have with him.
Chris wanted to share a part of his process. It was learned from experience and training under three great copywriters/marketers to use the Research he does as an asset for your company.
It is called the 3VOC Formula, and it is the most effective way for a company to market its business.
With the 3VOC Formula, Chris can work in any niche, market, and company. Enhance any campaign, whether it's a launch, e-mail, FB Ads, Sales pages, or Funnels. Why?
Well, because he can merge the voices of the customer, company, and copywriter as one to make an effective campaign or content.
A fantastic direct result of this process is a Bank of Bullets so that you can have valuable insight into your people's problems, frustrations, and questions.
Chris's current clients have used the Bank of Bullets for creating bonuses or filling in gaps in their current offers discovered in the Research. They also plan to use it in creating content for YouTube, videos, blogs, or posts. And much, much more…
That is one of the bonuses and resources you get from hiring Chris…even if it is for his lowest offer, a landing page.
Just like you, Chris wants to make your work have a more significant impact on the world, have time with family, and grow the business. He believes the future is brighter and better because of entrepreneurs like yourself. So, Chris is aware of the one resource you and he has in common.
As a busy business owner, he knows you, just like him, are against the fancy descriptions for copywriters, tactical name-dropping, or even a pretty link for a contact button. With time being essential, you can look at other copywriters, read their bios, and use your time reading fancy descriptions or tactical names.
Or you can click here to set up a call, and on the appointment, you can discuss with Chris how you would like to partner to grow your business.
Ray Edwards International, Inc @2024 - 2910 E 57th Avenue, Suite 5 #330, Spokane, WA 99223
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